Sam Yield – ‘Terra Australis’ January 26, 2021 On his debut album, Yield proves that he is capable of creating lived-in worlds with the microscopic detail of an (in a bottle) shipbuilder. by Patrick King
FOCUS: Fire Talk Records January 25, 2021 Fire Talk Records founder Trevor Peterson talks about the early days of the label, staying true to the DIY spirit, and what the future holds for the label. by Patrick King
Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou – ‘The Helm of Sorrow EP’ January 21, 2021 Emma Ruth Rundle and Thou reunite to offer a strong spiritual sequel to their previous collaborative album. by Patrick King
Sleaford Mods – ‘Spare Ribs’ January 19, 2021 The latest album from the UK minimalist duo is the culmination of what they’ve been working towards for the past decade. by Patrick King
An Interview with Opal Onyx January 4, 2021 After a brief hiatus, the Brooklyn electronic duo return with their long-awaited sophomore album. by Patrick King